This week's delights

"It requires no special talent or effort to look at our world and point out the things that numb us, or dumb us down, or depress us. In fact, it’s a no-brainer! But becoming keenly and consistently aware of what’s good, true, beautiful, and life-giving around us and within us demands a discipline: we must open our eyes, minds, and hearts. And we must keep them open.

The reward for that discipline is great: as we open up, we start to see beauty everywhere, not only in nature, but in human nature.  There's a lot of bad news out there, but there's a lot of good news as well.  Pass the word and help keep hope alive!"
-Parker Palmer, as quoted from the OnBeing blog

Here are a few things from my week that are good and beautiful and for which I am grateful.  Although they are small, some are miracles in their own way.  What have you found to be life-giving this week?  "Pass the word and help keep hope alive!"

1) Unwrapping uplifting thoughts


2) Finding a beautiful hard copy of my favorite book at a used bookstore.  Now I can treasure both my well-loved copy and this pristine one, both for different reasons.


3) Natural cold relief to get me through my second cold since being in America.

4) Finding these simple and elegant earrings, made in New Mexico and bought at a local boutique in Portsmouth, NH.

5) Browsing through my host's book collection and flipping through all the great finds.