March finds


A few of my favorite finds in the month of March:

Top favorite: Mornings in Jenin, which I listened to as an audiobook.  This story holds so much - tragedy and hope, how war and trauma affect generations to come, and a more-than-compelling story of one of the most captivating conflicts in recent history.

Favorite video: As I again read Women Who Run With the Wolves with 2 friends, this wonderful video about How Wolves Change Rivers provides the perfect illustration of the need for the life/death/life cycle.

Favorite article: The beauty of simplifying childhood and why it is important

Favorite recipe: A simple and quick tilapia recipe.

Favorite song: I started listening to classical music when Leo came around, and I've been taken by The Planets, Op. 32: IV. Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity.

Favorite quote:

We don’t think ourselves into a new way of living; we live ourselves into a new way of thinking.
— Richard Rohr

P.S. Do yourself a favor and sign up for daily meditation emails from the Center for Action and Contemplation.  Even in busy seasons, I can't fail to read these gems, which always bring me back to my Self and the bigger picture.

Favorite comedic relief: Leo, who gets goofier every day


Favorite new word: emolument - a salary, fee, or profit from employment or office.  From Arabian Nights.

Favorite product: This carved mahagony serving tray, bought on my trip to Lamu, Kenya.
