Making Maple Syrup

While in Vermont, I loved that everyone seemed to know how to make their own maple syrup, so I was inspired to call up my neighbors, Doug and Corinne, once I reached Indiana and see for myself how it was done.

Doug and Corinne have been making maple syrup for decades, but I never took the time to ask what it takes.  They graciously took me back to their trees and their charming sugar shack, steamy with boiling sap straight from the trees and smelling incredible!

Chatting with neighbors in a shack in the woods while making a food product straight from the natural source was right up my alley.  They showed me the whole process, from the tap to the jug, and I even walked away with a souvenir.

Is there someone in your area who grows or makes their own food?  Ever think about calling them up to learn about the process?