18 Simple Ways to Nurture Creativity

The book The Artist's Way lay a foundation for a much longer and deeper inward journey that continues to affect the way I approach each day.  Nurturing my creativity has become an essential part of my life.  In expressing myself, I suppose I find myself, for I cannot express something that I do not know.

I’ve chosen several questions/small tasks from the book and supplemented them with a few of my own in the hope that it will nudge you toward your own inner artist and toward a fuller expression of your Self.

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Cultural Creatives

Paul Ray says Cultural Creatives value relationality and interdependence, which he says can create a new world culture to respond to the needs of all people, not just those from wealthy and powerful countries.  We are interested in alternative health care, spiritual growth, and the importance of the inner life, but rather than being self-centered, "CCs" spend their a lot of time in service projects to help rebuild communities.

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